Nilgiri is one of the amazing tourist spots in Bangladesh. Do you want to embrace the clouds? Then, visit Nilgiri in Bandarban.

Nilgiri, Bandarban
Photo by Shaeek Ishaque on TripAdvisor

You will be able to enjoy the serenity with ultimate relaxation escaping from city boredom. The whole resort is on the top of the mountain and surrounded by excellent hilly natural views.


The Nilgiri Hill Resort is in Thanchi Upazila of Bandarban district. The spot is in Kapru Para. It is 46 kilometers away from Bandarban town.

The tourist attraction is located on the Bandarban-Chimbuk-Thanchi road. The resort is located on the way to Bandarban-Chimbuk-Thanchi road.

How to Go There

You can visit the Nilgiri tourist spot by any kind of transport that goes to Thanchi from Bandarban town. It may be a bus, micro, private car, or Chander Gari (one kind of jeep).

You can also hire a private car or jeep to visit this place. There is a helipad over the hill of Nilgiri. The tourists may also rent a helicopter to arrive at this place.

Nilgiri hill, Bandarban
Photo by Alamgir Farhad on TripAdvisor

Management Authority

The tourist spot is maintained by the Bandarban officers club that is the sister concern of the Bangladesh Army. The reservation process is done by the 69th Infantry Brigade headquartered in Bandarban Cantonment.

The foreigners need special permission from the Bandarban DC Office. They must show their permission letter if the authority asks. The Bangladeshi tourists have to register their names and addresses at the checkpoints of the Law Enforcement Agency.

Parking Facilities at Nilgiri

The resort authority has an arrangement of transport parking facilities for the tourists. You need to pay to avail this opportunity. Let me give you the information about parking fees:

  • Bus: BDT 400
  • Truck: BDT 400
  • Minibus/ Big Microbus: BDT 400
  • Pickup/Big Jeep/Small Microbus: BDT 300
  • Private Car/Small Jeep: BDT 200
  • CNG/Baby Taxi: BDT 100
  • Motor Bike: BDT 50
Nilgiri, Bandarban
Photo credit: Nilgiri Hill Resort

Food Facilities

There is a standard restaurant to fulfill the demand for food for the tourists. You have to spend BDT 200-500 for every meal. Different types of tasty food are available here. You can also bring food with you. I hope you will like the food of Bandarban.

Accommodation Facilities

There are two ways to arrange your accommodation. You can choose any way to have your accommodation. Have a look:

  • Stay at various hotels or guest houses in Bandarban
  • Stay at the cottages of Nilgiri Hill Resort

The resort is enriched with some excellent cottages. You will be lucky if you stay there. Here is the list of all the cottages and tents of Nilgiri with per night staying cost:

  • Meghdut: BDT 10000
  • Akashlina: BDT 10000
  • Marma Reesa-1: BDT 8000
  • Marma Reesa-2: BDT 5000
  • Nilangana-1: BDT 5000
  • Nilangana-2: BDT 5000
  • Tehkho Reesa-1: BDT 5000
  • Tehkho Reesa-2: BDT 5000
  • Tent: BDT 2500

Marma Reesa-1 is a duplex that is famous for its unique structure. It is also known as Honeymoon Lodge. The specialty of Tehkho Reesa-1 is that it is mainly made of bamboo. The tourists will like it very much.

Nilgiri Hill Resort transport
Photo: Chader Gari, Nilgiri Hill Resort

Cottage Reservation Information

Most of the time this resort remains booked. The tents can be ready within short notice for the visitors. Yet, you must contact the authority to book a cottage as early as possible.

The members of the Bangladesh Armed Forces will get discounts on cottage rent. They have to contact through proper channel to get this concession.

NB: It is being informed that a maximum of 2 persons is allowed in each cottage or room at Nilgiri Resort. BDT 500 will be charged for keeping an extra person.

You should remember that all the tariffs are subject to change without prior notice.

Nilgiri Hill Resort, Bandarban
A cottage photo by Alamgir Farhad on TripAdvisor

Contact Information

For booking, reservation, and picnic facilities:
+88-01769-299999, +88-01855-550088 (for foreigners)

Nilgiri is an extraordinary travel destination in Bangladesh. If you visit Bandarban, then never miss the opportunity of visiting this attraction. Live in the clouds and enjoy hilly natural views.

I hope that the above information will be very much helpful to make a tour at Nilgiri.