Many parents prefer to stay put early in their child’s life, thinking that traveling with a baby is impossible to execute. But, the truth is far from that. While going on a trip with a newborn will require a bit more preparation and care, nothing stops you from embarking on it.
And to ease your worries, we’ve even prepared seven essential tips for you. These tips for traveling with baby, that you are better off following.
Traveling With a Baby 101: Tips to Follow
Going on a vacation with an infant doesn’t differ much from going on a vacation with pets. After all, when you think about it, little children and furry friends are both quite similar. All they do is eat, sleep, and play. With that said, some tips for traveling with pets also apply to traveling with babies. So, without further ado, let’s cover the most important of those.
#1 Make Sure Your Baby Has Had All Shots
Ensuring your little one’s safety should be your top priority as a parent. And you can’t expect your baby to stay utterly safe if it hasn’t received all the necessary shots. There’s a particular immunization schedule to follow in a baby’s life, especially for mandatory vaccines.
Now, if you are traveling abroad, you need to know that certain countries have different policies when it comes to vaccination. That means they might require one to be vaccinated against particular diseases before crossing the border.
Babies might not be excluded from that policy, which means you’ll need to do proper research to determine whether there’s an additional shot your whole family should get. When unsure, consult the U.S. State Department and a healthcare professional.
#2 Speak to a Medical Professional About Taking a Trip
If you aren’t sure when exactly in a baby’s life you can embark on a journey, there’s no harm in speaking to a medical professional about it. More precisely, your little one’s physician.
It’s hard to talk about the exact age when going on a trip is considered safe as there are numerous factors to consider, including the baby’s age and health status. For instance, if a baby was born prematurely, the doctor might suggest waiting for its immune system to strengthen before recommending traveling.
The same might go for those infants that are battling a medical condition. Only once the physician gives you an all-clear can you begin travel preparations.
#3 Don’t Forget the Medications and Documents
In the case of medication and documents, it’s always better to err on the side of caution and bring more than your child needs than none at all! Documents are critical when traveling with a baby abroad.
You’ll need your baby’s passport, vaccination, and medical record. Remember to keep them all in one place to ensure you don’t misplace them mid-transit.
You might also want to purchase a folder to keep documents and important medicine. Furthermore, instead of putting the said folder into a suitcase, keep it in your purse where it will be easy to reach.
#4 Don’t Forget to Research
While it might be ok to go wherever the road takes when traveling with adults, the same cannot be said when traveling with a small child. You’ll need to do plenty of research before stepping foot into a car, plane, or other means of transportation and setting off on an international trip with your family.
This is especially important when going overseas. Take a deep dive into the Internet to find a place that will best accommodate your whole family, including your little one. For example, if you are currently breastfeeding, you might require a hotel room with a fridge where you can safely store breast milk.
#5 Remember to Bring Essentials
Despite your hotel possibly having all the necessities, you’ll still need to bring an ”essentials bag” with you as there are some things you’ll possibly need during the trip. Such a bag should be kept close by in case of emergency.
It should contain everything from bottles, wipes, diapers, spare clothes, formula, and pacifiers. Furthermore, to remind your little one of home, you can also bring their favorite toy and blanket.
#6 Keep Up With Your Baby’s Sleeping and Feeding Schedule
We have already mentioned that babies are similar to pets in terms of sleeping, playing, and eating. Well, another thing that makes them no different from, for instance, cats and dogs is their dependence on routine.
Even a slight disruption in their schedule can throw them off and cost their parents night sleep. Sticking to a sleeping and feeding schedule can be challenging, especially if traveling between time zones. Regardless, try to stick to it as much as possible. Or, at least, make gradual changes.
Another piece of advice is to feed your baby whenever they are hungry, rather than at a specific time. However, as you know your child the best, in this case, it pays to listen to your instincts.
#7 Take Frequent Breaks
This is one of the important tips for traveling with a baby. Feeding a baby or changing their diaper while the car is moving isn’t going to be simple. Therefore, we recommend you take a break now and then. As much as a break will suit your little one, it will also do you good.
Another thing is that taking a break is good during any adventure trip. For example, it is a good idea to have frequent breaks when you are making a Thorsmork adventure tour in Vik Iceland. This is necessary both for you and your baby.
We also recommend you buy an embrace baby wrap carrier. Put your baby in it and stretch your legs. A breath of fresh air and a change of scenery is bound to be pleasant for all parties involved.
Is Traveling With a Baby a Smart Idea?
While we have explained the essentials of traveling with a baby, you can’t help but wonder whether doing so would, ultimately, be a good idea. After all, isn’t the little one’s health and safety the most important? One cannot argue that it is.
However, there’s little harm in taking a trip. All the more if it’s been preapproved by a medical professional! We say that as long as you take precautions and plan ahead, you’ll be safe to go wherever you set your mind!
Hope all these tips for traveling with a baby will be helpful for you.