You had the experience of a lifetime during your stay, but now it is time to go back home. This transition can be difficult for a lot of people who come home after a vacation. We can feel a bit sad or empty once we come back home, but the good news is that all of this is temporary.

There are many ways to help with overcoming post-travel blues, so let’s see what the best six tips are that will make you happy again in no time.

A woman looking at a map
Photo by Leah Kelley.

#1 Talk it through with someone

Overcoming post-trip depression can be done quickly when you share your experience and feelings with someone. Whether it is a family member or a friend, saying out loud how you feel will help you a lot. Support and understanding are keys to feeling better at a time like this. You will see that you are not the only one that feels like this once you come home.

It is best to meet up in person rather than texting or calling. If you do not feel like sharing these feelings with someone, write them down in a diary. Either way, letting it all out is the first step towards overcoming post-travel blues.

#2 Plan your next travel adventure

While decompressing after the trip, take some time to think about where you would like to go next. Make a rough plan for the time of the year you would like to travel and how long you would like to go away for. The place may be Iceland’s Vik or any other tourist place in this world.

If you have pets, figure out where and with whom you would like to leave them next time. Having a pet sitter in your home can be convenient, but there is always the risk of having your items stolen while you are away.

Preparing bulky valuables for storage while traveling can be tricky. To further secure your belongings, keep them safe while away in a storage unit. Prepare your items by packing them in labeled boxes. You may want to hire a professional moving company to reduce the risk of damage while moving. Set up an alarm or a security camera in your home and have someone close to you check the situation from time to time. Making these plans now will not only keep your mind occupied, but will also make it easier to go on your next big trip.

A man unpacking in his apartment after a trip
When you come back home, make plans to meet up with friends or family to talk about your travel experience. Photo by Vlada Karpovich.

#3 Spend time doing your hobbies

Spending some time to decompress, especially if you have jetlag, is crucial for overcoming post-trip depression. But do not let this go from only a couple of days to a full week. Try to be as active as you can be when you come back home. It is best to engage in some physical activity, as it is shown to have a positive impact on our mental health, especially during difficult times.

If you do not feel like exercising or playing sports, even just reading a book while lounging on the couch can help you overcome the blues. Doing the things you love will make this period go by faster, and your first week home will be much more enjoyable.

#4 Spend some time outdoors

It is a good idea to go for a walk around your neighborhood or to the local park. It is a well-known fact that spending time outdoors is good for both physical and mental health. When outside, use the opportunity to meet other people and share travel experiences.

If the weather allows it, go for a swim or a run. These can help you feel energized and happier. You can even organize a picnic with your friends or family and tell them all about your travels over a delicious meal. If you have pets, take them to their favorite park or beach to make up for the time you spent apart.

A collection of small photos for a scrapbook to help with overcoming the post-trip depression.
Create a scrapbook or a diary about your trip. Photo by ArtHouse Studio

#5 Create a scrapbook of your trip

The best way to overcome post-trip depression is to spend the first couple of days back home reminiscing about your experience and happy memories. Pick the best photos from your trip and print them out in a photo album or a diary. Write down what you did each day during your stay: where you went, whom you met, etc.

You will feel much happier once you go through everything that happened. Find some tickets and receipts you might have saved and include them in your diary or scrapbook. Use all of these tips and tricks to create the perfect memoir of your travel experience, and one day when you wish to look back on this trip, you will feel glad that you did.

#6 Try something new when overcoming post-travel blues

When we travel, we get to experience something new every day while we are away. Coming home to our everyday routine can be difficult after spending many days with a busy and fun itinerary. But we should not get to experience new things only when going on a trip. Check out your local hotspots and tourist attractions to continue the adventure once you get home.

Whether it is a new activity or just a meal you have not tried before, it will make you feel better. It will be much easier to gradually get used to your routine than trying to do it in a day. Another advantage is that it will seem like the vacation has not yet ended.

Post-trip depression overcoming tips. A balcony overlooking the ocean in the Maldives
Overcoming post-travel blues can be difficult for many people. Photo by Asad Photo Maldives.

Final thoughts

Overcoming post-trip depression will be much easier when you talk it out and spend some time reminiscing about your travels. Once you have relaxed and spent some time outdoors engaging in fun activities, you will notice the difference. Remember these tips and tricks for overcoming post-travel blues the next time you come back from a trip.